This week is NAIDOC Week, an important time for us all to reflect on where we’ve come from and where we need to go, celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and our First Nations people.

Spaceframe is proud to have had 175 Indigenous identifying staff and subcontractors work to help create our projects this year. Spaceframe acknowledges the special relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with their traditional lands and waters, as well as their unique history and diverse culture, customs and circumstances.

We believe that it is vital to ensure that our efforts and resources are appropriately positioned for maximum benefit and for the improvement of economic, job opportunities and participation outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, along with all Australians.

Always Was, Always Will Be.

Previous post: “Building Strong Communities in Kununurra

It’s been almost 3 years since the relationship began between Spaceframe Buildings and GIVIT, in partnership with not-for-profit education provider Alta-1.

We recently caught up with Anj Thomson (Regional Principal, Alta-1 Kununurra Campus) about the importance of NAIDOC week and the impact that the Curriculum and Reengagement in Education (CARE) facility for Aboriginal teen girls at risk has had on the Kununurra community.

“NAIDOC week is a time to showcase and celebrate our nation’s original custodians. It is an opportunity for the eyes of all Australians to focus on and appreciate the culture and identity of Aboriginal Peoples.

We have seen some amazing growth in our girls this year not only in their academics but in their confidence, resilience and sense of purpose for the future. From art classes to working with horses there’s been so many amazing moments. Alta-1 has had the pleasure of hosting several community focused events with local stakeholders and looks forward to further growth in 2021.

#alwayswas #alwayswillbe “