September 2022 will mark four years since the relationship began between Spaceframe Buildings and GIVIT, in partnership with not-for-profit education provider Alta-1.

Spaceframe was approached to assist in building a Curriculum and Reengagement in Education (CARE) facility for Aboriginal teen girls at risk within the Kununurra community.

The Alta-1 Kununurra Campus provides middle and senior school education for children who do not attend mainstream government school. Business Manager for Alta-1 WA, Kevin Thomson stated that the school’s point of difference is “love, genuine care and recovery education”. The tailored curriculum focuses on project work for help students overcome trauma and make healthy life choices for a better future as part of their personal recovery program.

To read more about the partnership, click on the links below:

Building Strong Communities in Kunununrra
NAIDOC Week 2020 and Alta-1 Kununurra Campus

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